Meet me in the woods tonight

Tres Crow | Doomer Optometrist
6 min readJul 11, 2021

As far back as I can remember, the only thing I’ve ever wanted to be was a writer. It’s been a lifelong obsession for me, one that ebbs and flows in intensity, but is always there. Like background radiation, permeating my every thought, action, deed.

Writing what you know

As a writer (and as a person, honestly), I’ve always been attracted to the darkness. I’ve always felt most comfortable where the desires are murky, the shadows are growing, and everything seems just a little bit off. As my favorite author, Stephen King, wrote in the



Tres Crow | Doomer Optometrist

I’m a writer, co-owner @rootsdowga, Doomer Optimist, & advocate for a greener world. I write stories, & I blog about solutions to the horrors of modern life.